速報APP / 音樂與音效 / IAM Music Player

IAM Music Player



檔案大小:22.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


IAM Music Player(圖1)-速報App

■■Half price time-limited only now!!■■

It is the application that the theme song opening of e-manga "Magical Dreamers" during great admiration release listens to!

≪Characteristic of the application≫

・You can listen to the theme song opening while watching a text!

 #Because the language change (Japanese or English) of the text is possible, it is learned Japanese!

・You can record your singing voice to music (instrumental music) of theme song OP and can listen!

≪Singer of the theme song≫

・Japanese edition (woman):woman VOCALOID

・Japanese edition (man) :Kaoru Kondou

IAM Music Player(圖2)-速報App

・English edition (woman) :Brina Palencia

・English edition (man)  :Vic Mignogna

World's first e-manga is now hot topic!

Japanese and American famous voice actors play the roles!

Ayana Taketatsu plays a voice of the main character in Japanese version!

Ryo Horikawa also voiced in the e-manga!

For English version, Brina Palencia who is known for the voice of Tony Tony

Chopper in One Piece plays the role and sings the theme song!

Christopher Sabat (Dragon Ball series as Vegeta), Monica Rial (Dragon Ball

IAM Music Player(圖3)-速報App

series as Bulma) and Todd Haberkorn (Sgt. Frog as Keroro) plays the roles.

Also, Mignogna who is best known for his dub role of Edward Elric in Fullmetal Alchemist sings the theme song.

IAM Music Player(圖4)-速報App
